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Feb 25, 2018

Join Endurance Nation’s Marketing Director, Mariah Bridges, for podcast #663 as she virtually sits down with Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD from InsideTracker to discuss the key biomarkers for endurance success and how InsideTracker helps you take control of not only your personal health but your endurance health lifestyle with asking you one question: When was the last time you took a Selfie From The Inside™?

Key Talking Points:

  • Cortisol - The Stress Biomarker
  • Creatine Kinase
  • How to make changes to your food, lifestyle, and training to see actionable results.
  • Vitamin D - The Sunshine Hormone
  • A Case again a Multi-Vitamin
  • HsCRP - High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein... aka Inflammation marker


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