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Dec 31, 2014

Coach Rich discusses the objectives we have for our athletes in Year Three of our Three Year Plan for Triathlon Excellence:

  1. Signature Race Selection
  2. Single Sport Focus
  3. High Volume Training Camps
  4. Mental Toughness on Race Day

Thanks for listening to this Endurance Nation podcast. Be sure to check us out at 

Dec 29, 2014

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for this novel New Year's Resolution strategy for the chronically overcommitted triathlete. Sometimes being your best isn't about doing more!



Create a free 7-Day trial to experience the OutSeason®  for yourself here: 

Dec 26, 2014

Coach Rich discusses the objectives we have for our athletes in Year Two of our Three Year Plan for Triathlon Excellence:

  1. Complete a Full Season with Endurance Nation
  2. Schedule Two "A" Races this Season
  3. Equipment Upgrades
  4. Appropriate Volume via Race and Epic Training Camps
  5. Race to Your Potential

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Dec 19, 2014

While procrastinating his own run, Coach Rich and Riley the WonderPup share with you their tips on running form, giving you a host of form concepts and cues to keep you busy during your next EN podcast enabled triathlon training run!

Thanks for listening to this Endurance Nation podcast. Be sure to check us out at

Dec 18, 2014

Effective season planning and the scheduling of races is an important, but often overlooked, component to triathlon success. 

Coach Rich shares with you the tips he's applied to the nearly 3000 Triathlon Season Roadmaps he's created for the Team in the last couple years, showing you how to plan your season and...