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May 26, 2022

Coach Patrick covers one of the most challenging aspects of being an endurance athlete managing fatigue. Mid-season fatigue is unique in that it can hide easily behind important workouts and race preparation. We often dismiss being tired mid-season as this is simply part of "achieving our goals." over time, even small...

May 19, 2022

Coach Patrick helps you to create a clear review of your performance for near-term gains in your season. Don’t “throw away” any of the early events; even if you didn’t nail the taper or show up 100% prepared. There are always good lessons learned that can help you improve your execution and preparation over the...

May 12, 2022

Coach Patrick explains how intermittent speedwork can be exactly the right does of training, adventure, and fun. Most athletes overestimate the amount of speed work their bodies can handle, and underestimate the time required between these high-quality sessions.  Solve this problem by using races to “time box” the...