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Feb 7, 2018

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P interviews 
Endurance Nation member Brian Hagan on his build to Ultraman Florida 2018. Brian is in the final peak of his training, and took a few minutes to break down how he got to this point in his athletic career!

Key Talking Points include: 

  • How Brian started this journey to becoming an endurance athlete.
  • How Brian built a long term plan for success.
  • Picking intermediary training events. 
  • Building a Tribes (or Tribes!) to train with.
  • How Brian plans to use Massage, Normatech Boots, and Chipotle to recover daily!

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Endurance Nation is the world's largest, fastest online triathlon coaching group with more than 750 members across the globe training and racing together. Be sure to check us out at, sign up our Endurance Insider weekly email to stay on top of all things endurance, or create a FREE 30-day trial membership at if you are ready to get started!


Endurance Nation: Work Hard, Get Smart, Go Fast! 

5x TriClub Global Champions: Division One