May 5, 2016
Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for a special announcement -- The Short Course Season is upon us! And that can only mean one thing: Club Endurance Nation is back!
That's right, now you can get top-notch short course coaching and support for just $49 / 4 weeks. This includes training plans, support, a season roadmap to plan your year and access to more than $1,250 in triathlon discounts.
The regular price is $79/month, but if you create your FREE 30-day Trial before May 18th you can lock in the introductory price of $49/month and save a ton!
Start Here:
Thanks for listening to this Endurance Nation podcast. Endurance Nation is the world's largest, fastest online triathlon coaching group with more than 750 members across the globe training and racing together. Be sure to check us out at, or create a FREE 30-day trial membership at
Endurance Nation: Work Hard, Get Smart, Go Fast!