Jul 29, 2021
Coach Patrick covers some of the most effective ways to mitigate the costs associated with training in the heat - and still reap all of the benefits. If you have been struggling with the heat, see if any one of these five tips can make a difference for you!
Jul 27, 2021
In this brief in between episode, Coach Patrick discusses the value of organizing your races in small clusters for better outcomes. The more intentional you can be with the structure of your season, the better outcomes you can expect to earn.
Jul 22, 2021
Coach Patrick reviews the progress of the Habit Project for athletes who have downloaded the free resource and are working to make improvements. Mid-season is a time for reflection and adjustment. In this talk Patrick discusses Unconscious and Conscious Habits, and how you can stack them to create sustainable, effective...
Jul 20, 2021
Mastering your performance in hot conditions usually takes a great deal of trial and error. It’s hard to predict how your body will respond without actually putting your body to work in extreme conditions. All safety considerations aside, here are five different aspects of exercising in the heat that can help...
Jul 15, 2021
Coach Patrick covers the logistics and key steps to planning an adventure with your bike while getting in some serious volume. Great adventures are built on the fundamentals of safety and fun. Key points covered include planning the route, accounting for rider safety, managing hydration and calorie needs, and a few...